Friday, September 29, 2006

More Pics of the Store

The carpet guys finished up today. And I LOVE the new carpeting! It looks grey, but it's actually more a very light sage green.

I also spent the better part of yesterday transferring a 6' oak tree to one wall. It took about two hours using nothing more than a popsicle stick. What a pain in the butt, but I think the results are worth it. The wonders of Tatouage!

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It only took 3.5 years...

But I think Dominick is finally done with sleeping in our bed ! ! !

He has slept in his own bed every night this week until MORNING! I am so excited about this! As a reward for staying in his bed all night, he chose a cute halloween watercolor set.


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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Some Birthday Pictures

Ed's Birthday Cake. (No we didn't use 48 candles)

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Happy 48th Birthday!!
(Pictures coming soon)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Diana's Big Girl Seat!!!

With Diana's Birthday only a week away, we decided to try out her new fancy-shmancy forward facing carseat!!

After exhaustive amounts of research (not really) I decided on the Combi Victoria. Combi is well known for their strollers, but big kid carseats are relatively new for them.

WHOA BABY, this one is the B*E*S*T!! (Allie, take notes!)
Not only is the seat SUPER soft and cushy, BUT you actually recline the seat all the way back in the forward facing position WITHOUT having to move the seat!! So let's say we're out and about and Di is pooped and wants a nap...VOILA I simply pull a handle and the seat reclines within itself so she can sleep! (AKA: No slumpy head)

AND I got this baby brand new for $85 bucks on Ebay! (They retail for about $229)

Ok, I'm done ranting. Enjoy!

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

My Kinda Big Huge News

It's taken a few years, but I finally convinced Ed to let me open my own store !!!!!

I am so excited!
We found a nice spot right in the heart of town and we've
been working like crazy trying to put it together.

I've gone and pulled all of my permits for: (drum roll)


I'll carry a large assortment of upscale baby gear and furniture
and a small amount of very lovingly used items.

Ed spent the early part of the week tearing down the divider wall right when you
first walk in.

I've spent the whole week painting
(which is NOT so much fun when you're trying to wrangle Dom and Di at the same time)

Today the whole family spent the day working on it. The girls helped me paint some of the decorative picket fencing, Anthony and Ed changed out ALL of the lightbulbs and Dom was gracious enough to paint the carpet! LOL
(No worries, I'm having all new carpet put in next week)

This is a HUGE event for me and I am SOOOO excited!

I'll post more pictures later in the week of the progress we've made!!!

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Fiore Kids

Saturday Sept 16, 2006
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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006


Dom has been wanting a new set for his toddler bed (The Crib size comforter didn't cover his feet at night) , so we headed out to the fabric store and Dom chose this darling cowboy print. (The reverse side is red barn siding)

This was my first attempt at an actual "quilt" and I'm very pleased with the results!!

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Mischievious Little Girl

Diana looking out the window

Studying her own reflection

AND this is what she was doing while
she was SUPPOSED to be sleeping!!
(Believe it or not, the room was pitch black,
my camera flash lit it up pretty good)

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Diana's 1st Birthday Gift!

I can't believe the big day is just weeks away!
Today, Diana received her very birthday gift!
My girlfriend, Ashley, in San Diego sent her this gorgeous ensemble!

(Thank SO much Ash, it fits perfectly!)

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Anthony "Autumn Nights"

Anthony posing before the Dance:
I love this shirt and Tie,
They looked so nice on him!

I had to pay Christina $5 to take this picture!
She thought Anthony was going to drop her...

And what do you know?!
HE DID!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! This was the best picture of the night!
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Christina "Autumn Nights"

Christina and Anthony attended their 2nd dance of the year at East High.

Christina's posing in her new duds:

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After Christina's Slumber Party we headed over to Ed's folks for a short visit.
Big Ed made the most DELICIOUS chicken on his new grill!
It was so stinkin' good!
I can't wait to go back if nothing else for his chicken!

Diana listening to Christina's CD Player (and dancing..)

Christina and Di jammin'

The batteries ran out...

Dominick carrying Diana around Ed & Rody's house.
Yes, she was turning purple and smiling the whole time

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