Friday, November 28, 2008


Seriously, I can't put it any other way!

Christina and I left the house right at 2am and got to Target about 2:50am!

You'd think standing in the freezing air for 3 hours would be miserable, but it was SOOO much fun! It helped that we were lucky enough to be 4th and 5th in line! Some hot cocoa and snacks and it was practically a party! AND we were even on the news!!!

Here's a link to that video:


Thursday, November 27, 2008


I'm sitting here finishing my last post and Dom comes bounding down the stairs with this claiming

"Look mom I did it myself, my own dessert!"

Never mind he's had two slices of Pumpkin pie right?

This has mandarin oranges, bread, fluffernutter, M&M's and a candy cane.

It's like Crack for kids! YAY!

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Ahh, here I sit on the brink of yet another Black Friday!

Counting the down the minutes until my clock reads 2AM and then Christina and I will be
on the road, ready to take down anyone stupid enough to stand in my way.

Hopefully this year will be as fun as the years past, I'm even working on my game faces.
Not quite as intimidating as I'd hoped, but I think it'll clear people out of my way, either by sheer intimidation or maybe because they think I'm a little loco! LOL


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Wishful Thinking

I went out early and bought the Knoxville newspaper today, Dom found this ONE ad and has been drooling over it all day!
This is how he spent about 2 hours today. This exact pose. LOL

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Dom's Tree

This is Dom's tree, he was excited to decorate it, not so excited about pictures!

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Diana's First Tree

The older three have always had mini trees that they set up in their room each year, but for Dom and Diana this is a first!

Diana was SO into decorating her tree!

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She totally didn't see me coming!

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Thanksgiving Part THREE

I'm pooped!
I will never cease being thankful for all of the cooking that my own Mother put it every year for her hungry brood! I'm pooped!

Pics courtesy of Brooke! ;)

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ThanksGiving Part TWO

She's gonna kill me when she sees this!

Diana trying to give her "Boyfriend" a kiss. He wasn't having it!
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ThanksGiving Part ONE

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Redecorating The Blog

Allie inspired me to mix things up a teensy weensy bit and add some Musico!

While hers is hip and current mine is a mix of all things old and older! LOL

Hopefully once I've wrangled all the kids in for a Christmas pictures I'll be able to add a fancy shmancy header as well!


(And remember if the music drives you bonkers, you can mute it at the bottom of the page! )

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dear Santa

Ok, so I know this is nothing earth shattering, but I was so impressed with Dom's ingenuity that I have to dedicate a post to him.

Dom has been asking me for weeks to sit down and look all over the internet for idea's to put on his Christmas list, knowing how long that would take I've been putting it off.

A few nights ago he asked if he could look at the Toys R Us website while I showered and when I came back, this is what he had done:
He copied the names of anything he really liked onto this sheet. He can't read yet, so I thought it was a really cool way of getting what he wanted!

For those who don't read "5 year old" the list is as follows:

1. Operation'
2. Pixo Studio
3. Nintendo DS Lime (Should have said lite) LOL
4. Martian Matter Alien Maker
5. Bakugan
6. Great White (?)

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Diana's Project

Well, not really. But this girl just loves to color!
Her hair is a bit wonky in the pic, I think the shadow behind her is giving it a mohawk effect that wasn't really there! LOL

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Brooke's Egyptian Project

This is the project Brooke put together for School.
She decided to replicate what an egyptian tomb might look like before it was raided. LOL

A sarcophogus complete with Mummy:
An inside look:
4 canopic jars:
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dear Caitlin:

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

His Knee caps are calling my name the way Nancy's called to Tonya!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

San Diego Beaches

San Diego Beaches are not like Florida Beaches,
they are just so beautiful!

San Diego Beaches II

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