Thursday, November 22, 2007

An absolutely AFRICAL day!

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Well, we've survived our Thanksgiving day in tact and with bellies overloaded. We had a delicious meal of Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry whip, green bean casserole, salad and the best dinner rolls around! All prepared by MOI, AND I didn't even burn anything. We topped the night off with fresh homemade pumpkin pie!

The most memorable (and absolutely unforgettable) moment of Thanksgiving 2007 was provided by Brooke. While eating dinner, I asked her to try the cranberry whip and assured her it was good. She took a few bites and complimented the delicious "Africal" flavors. I started laughing and she said "Well, that's just the way I say it". A moment later Christina chimed in "Do you mean TROPICAL?" Brooke turned beat red and a tradition was born. Our cranberry whip will now be forever known as "Africal Suprise".

Hope everyone had a great day and we look forward to seeing pictures on all the websites!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Our StinkBug..Er ladybug

Trying to get a decent shot of Diana last night was almost impossible. She had ants in her pants and just wouldn't stop for more than two seconds. (Thus the odd angled pictures)

She had a great time trick-or-treating and got the hang of it very quickly.

For the first few houses, I would ask her to say "Only one piece please" when she held out her bag.
This tactic worked for about 4 houses until she realized that Dom and Brooke were getting significantly more loot.
When asked to say "one piece" she would look up and say "No, I wanta mo candy"! She a quick learner!!

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Vintage Wedding Dress: $10.00
Costume Make Up: $5.00
A Totally Creepy Home made costume: PRICELESS

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A Pirate.. ARRRG

Dominick chose to be a pirate this year
(I'm sure in large part to the sword he was allowed to carry).
He didn't actually go barefoot though, once the sun sets the weather cools off considerably.



Apparently, this is what a "pirate face" looks like! He was giving me his best "arrrggghhh".

Matt, you should appreciate this!
Ed got a-hold of Dom shortly before we left and turned my cute little "boy pirate" into a "MAN Pirate".
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