Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Perfect Duo

Parenting tip #105:

Installing new batteries in an old toy can provide hours of fun. (Loud Fun, but fun all the same)

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Meowin' Mover

I think his expression speaks volumes of how much he "enjoyed" being pushed around in the dump truck! LOL

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Ok, for the majority of my family who live in Utah, Nevada and Montana...


It may not look like much, but it IS snow. LOL It's a rare treat and the kids weren't going to miss the opportunity to freeze their buns off. (I really don't know how I managed full days of sledding back in the day, my fingers were frozen just taking these pictures)

Dominick trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue:

Diana looking cute as ever:

Diana asking "You take a pishure of my outfit???"

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Is it over? Is 2007 really behind us? Unlike most years, 2007 seemed to last forever. I was more than happy to ring in a new year and look forward to seeing what 2008 decides to hurl at me!