I can honestly say this Halloween was one for the books.
We knew that the forecast called for rain, but we held out hopes that the Halloween Gods would take pity on us and let us have our night without the storm clouds. No such luck.
In an attempt to stay dry, we'd agreed to take Dominick and Diana to a party at Dom's Tae kwon Do studio and then let them trick or treat around the mall. (Where Dom's studio is located) It was all supposed to be nice, dry, fun.. in theory.
To start, we didn't realize the mall had designated trick-or-treat hours and by the time we'd arrived it'd already finished. So we headed to the party which was overly crowded and overly hot, and all Diana could think of was her poor, empty trick or treat bag. After about an hour Dominick too was eyeing his empty bag with undisclosed remorse for unhad goodies.
So we did what any good parents do, we toted our tots through the rain, door-to-door for an hour and half until bags were full. I was soaked to the bones, but the kids were delighted, and really, isn't that what matters?
My "costume". Witch hat on a headband.