Sunday, December 27, 2009
My favorite Christmas Pictures!
Christmas Lights
My lame pictures:
Keyboard vs. the Wii
Christmas Morning!
For our family gift, Ed and I just couldn't agree on what the family would enjoy most, so we decided to split the task. I bought what I thought we'd enjoy and he bought what he thought would be best. I ended up getting a large Casio keyboard with the lighted keys, complete with stand and microphone. Ed played dirty and bought the kids a Wii, with all sorts of games and attatchments. I'm pleased to report, however; that the kids play just as much with my keyboard as they have the Wii, so there!
The Elf is Done
The kids graciously slept in until 8am.
Christmas Eve Cookies!
More Ballet
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Jack of all trades...
Never is this more true than when it comes to photography. I actually love photography, more specifically I love photographing my children. The problem lies with my camera. I remember the day I begged my husband to give in and buy me the "fancy" camera I'd been eyeing for months. My old trusty Kodak camera had died, and I decided I was a big girl and needed a fancy big girl camera. No, I didn't know what half the buttons and knobs did exactly, but I rationalized that if "_______" (Enter any friends name here) could manage to do it, by George, so could I. HA!
So, we have a passionate love/hate relationship my Canon and I, and on most days it's very safe to say my camera is usually winning. It does the job I purchased it to do: Takes pictures. It clicks when I ask it to, and the flash goes off when it deems it necessary, so I should really have no argument with the thing. HOWEVER; It forgets that what I purchased it to do and what I want it to do are so very different. My WANT list is so much more complex! For instance, I would like a little yellow flag to pop out that reads "LESLIE, your child is being blinded by the sun, turn them around" when I accidentally have Dominick squinting in the direction of my voice. I would like it to have a million candle watt flash that will ensure my success in any lighting. Or maybe it could borrow my GPS's lovely voice chip and tell me things like "In point 4 seconds, lower the camera a fraction of an inch so that Brooke's head is not cut off" and when I still manage to decapitate her will say something encouraging like "Re calculating, please lower the camera and try again". IS THAT REALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK??
So here I am. Sorting through pictures that look as though they were taken by a drunk, blind monkey. The process of processing melts my brain. It sucks the life from my soul and haunts my very existence.
I present Exhibit A:
I rest my case. I should really just stick to disposable camera.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Because I'm too chicken...
Thankfully, he doesn't remember, and we have pretty christmas lights adorning the yard!
O Timebomb, O Timebomb ...
As we were driving home from the grocery store last night, a christmas carol played on the radio that start with "O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum..." and then continued on into some sort of Christmas rock jingle I'd never heard before. It must have been a pretty catchy tune as I heard Dominick singing it later in the bath tub as "O Timebomb, O Timebomb..." he must have used his imagination to fill in the rest of the lyrics because he's been singing quite an extended version ever since.
I'm not sure which worries me more, the fact that Dominick heard "time bomb" instead of 'tannenbaum" or the fact that he has yet to ask me why, on earth, there is a christmas carol playing what he thinks is a ditty about weapons of mass destruction! LOL
And then there was snow!
I love this picture of the kids! There are few things as entertaining as playing in the snow with your kiddos!
Poor Diana, her chubby little cheeks were wind chapped after an hour of playing outside.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
On the Perfect Plie
Thanks Diana.