Monday, January 04, 2010

Faulty Geography

Diana is under the assumption that as soon as we turn off our street, we've left the state of Tennessee.

Yesterday as were driving south to Knoxville, Diana used the free time to constantly quiz me about our current location. "Where are we now?" she'd ask every 5 minutes. After twenty minutes of grilling, I lost my cool and blurted out "MEXICO Diana, we're in MEXICO!" The car got quiet for a moment or two until Dominick piped up and said "Diana, we're NOT in Mexico! If we were there would be carriages, not cars!" To which Diana promptly replied "Yeah, and there would be Chihuahuas!!" A moment later I heard Dom confide quietly to his sister "AND there would be beaches!"

One out of three. Could have been worse.


DotteeO said...

Oh my grits!! That was funny!! I couldn't help but think that Diana remindes me soooo much of you at that age....the never ending conversationalist! LOL

Cait Bait said...

LOL-this story cracked me up! :)

Anonymous said...

Sound like the Fiore children liked to see how much Mommy really knows! My oldest grandchild has been taught many things while riding. From age 4 I started teaching him thinks along the roadside. I find that this helps their skills as far as putting things together.
Your trip sounds like you had good quality time together. No matter how much they got on your nerves, soak it all in, it’s over with too quickly.