Sunday, May 30, 2010

Diana's 1st ballet recital

On Saturday, the family loaded up and went to see Diana perform for the very first time in public!
(She's always putting on shows at home, but to see her on a REAL stage was a first!)



I wasn't able to sit with Ed and the kids, because I spent most of the day backstage helping keep the girls occupied while they waited for the finale.


Lining up to go on stage:

Diana waiting patiently

Pictures from the curtain. I wasn't able to use my flash so the pictures are crumby, I'm hoping I can steal some pictures from another parent!


After the show Diana took pictures with her teachers, Mrs. Becky and Ms. Kay:

Ed and Rody had driven over from Asheville to watch Diana and she was SO excited to see them! They weren't able to stay long, but it was long enough for Diana to be utterly spoiled by all of the attention and praise.




Jean M. said...

She is adorable! How did she do in the recital? I'm interested to see how Ava does in her recital on June 12th.

Diana is a doll! Perfect little ballerina :)

Cait Bait said...

HOLY COW! I didn't think she could get any cuter! She is soooooooo adorable! I miss her! Tell her "good job" from aunt CC. Love you!

Leslie said...

Thanks so much guys!

Jean, she did SOO well! Up until she was on the stage dancing I had worries that she might back out. It helps that because of the spot lights she couldn't actually see how many people were in the audience! LOL

Ava is going to do amazingly well!!!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, she really looks like she is into this ballet thing! Such an adorable little girl.