Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Snug as a bug. If the bugs are trying to smother each other.

"Oh, how do you sleep in the morning time
When all the world is still?
Do you lazily dream or wake up scream
at the children you want to kiiiiill??

Is that what you do?? So do I!"


This is what most mornings look like.*
Dom and Di know better than to try and crowd Ed, so they naturally find
that smothering ME is much more ideal.

And I wonder why I can't sleep anymore.

(*Diana has slept in her own bed ... all night for 7 days running.
I'm afraid to make it official yet, but things are looking good!)


DotteeO said...

Okay....that's scary!!

Allie Girl said...

Too funny! Somehow, I never taught that verse to my primary kids...hmmmm;)