Sunday, November 06, 2011

Trick - or - Treat

Come little children and gather 'round to hear the most
pathetically un-spooky story to 'ere be found!

It was a peaceful, calm night when we didst meet
in this beautiful neighborhood to trick-or-treat


The houses were lit with golden glow
and from home to home we all did go..

A mummy, a genie/gypsy and a Goddess did ride
in the hatch of the 'burban because it was much more comfortable than
jumping in out of their seats all nights.
(PS: as author I do not have to rhyme, this is a crappy Halloween poem, not the Iliad!)




The candy was divvied at the end of the night
M&M's, Mars, candy corn and ... Crystal light?
(Seriously! I think someone thought they were pixie sticks???)



Lucky for you this is the end of our story
No guts, no ghouls, not a single thing gory
Nothing to fear, not the simplest fright...
But a moral it does have:
Trick-or-treating with family.... is the best kind of night!


Rob and Jewls said...

You are so creative...I love those costumes...did you make them?

Leslie said...

Haha!! If by "make them" you mean buy them at TJ Maxx, then YES! I made the heck out of them!! :)

Allie Girl said...

Okay sis, I am officially hiring you to do my Christmas poem this year! Too, too, clever!

The kids look amazing all dressed up for frights
Thanks for sharing the adventure of your Halloween nights!

DotteeO said...

AWESOME costumes and pictures!!