Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Days are here at last!

I'm back. 

And just so we're clear, I didn't entirely abandon the blog. There were many a night that I'd sit here at my computer and tap away at the keys only to delete the entire post.

While our spring was blissful contentment, our summer had a more tumultuous start. I was heartbroken, angry and spent more than a little too much time licking my wounds. I didn't want to write about the kids, the lake, the new car OR the nearly 250,000 followers I have on Pinterest. I didn't want to paint on a smile when all I really felt was the overwhelming desire to be petty. I wanted to shout and yell and vent away all of my frustrations. Thankfully for you, I didn't see that as being very good reading material, so I waited. I knew that with time* my heart would heal and the right words would come with the right feelings.

And they have. The storm has passed and the sun is shining.

Happy days  are finally here at last!


 *and many, many late night rant sessions and wine

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