Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hale Family Reunion Day 2, part 1

Ah, humidity.
Oh, how we did not miss thee.

As soon as we walked outside this happened:
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The air was so thick, you could drink it!

After making sure our gills could withstand the humidity
we made our way over to my cousin, Valeri's house.
Brooke had spent the night there with her cousins, and had made arrangements to spend the day with them at the beach. Upon hearing of the beach plan, Dominick also jumped ship and decided a day at the beach with new friends beat anything we could be planning.

After dropping off swimsuits and applying a liberal coating of sunscreen. Ed and I left with Diana and followed my Dad to the Naval Museum.
(If you are ever in Pensacola, make the naval museum
a "must" on your to-do list!
It's free.
It's educational.
It's "hands-on".
And it's awesome.)

This is the USS Lexington. Just one of the aircraft carriers
that my Grandpa Odom was stationed on during WWII.
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This is a picture of my Dad (center), my Uncle Joe (left) and my Uncle Jimmy (right) standing in front of one of the planes my Granpa Odom worked on and flew in during WWII.
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Our  little pilot in training!
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We spent about two hours wandering around the grounds and still weren't able to cover of all it!

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