Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hale Family Reunion Day 2, Part 4

After our little photo session, Dom and Di were
antsing to get the chance to play in the waves.

A quick wardrobe change in the back of the
Excursion and they were off!
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Ed and I contented ourselves with watching
them from the comfort of shore.
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Some children are timid.
Watching from the safety and comfort of the shore.
Judging just how rough the surf is before
even stepping foot in the water.

I do not have those sorts of children.
Mine just go!
Jumping, diving, crashing.
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Dominick was in his own little sort of heaven.
He didn't need us. He just wanted to float away.
... And collect seashells.
He loved picking up the seashells he found.
He wasted no time in showing them off, however.
One minute he'd be in the water,
the next he was running up, throwing
the shells in the general vicinity of our towels to be retrieved later.
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Diana had a hard time keeping up with the frenetic
pace of her older brother.
She had no interest in shells, but loved being
kicked around by the waves.
Until, that is, she swallowed a mouthful
of the Gulf of Mexico.
She came running up, a look of utter
disgust on her face announcing to anyone within earshot
"MOM, I puked! I puked up my guts on the beach!"
She learned the hard way to keep one's mouth shut when playing in the waves.
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I loved watching them.
And we stayed, parked on the beach,
until the last rays of the sun had abandoned us.
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