Saturday, March 31, 2007

Diana's Very Scary Night

As you know now, Diana has a Fribile seizure around 9:45pm last night. She threw up in the car on the way home from the Mall and it all went downhill from there. I couldn't get her to respond to me and she was burning up so we got her to the Fire Department and she was rushed to the Hospital from there.

The ER Dr.'s worked franticly to help her. From start to Finish she seized for a total of 28 mins. The ER Dr. suspected it was a Fribile seizure because she had a temp of 104 when she was admitted, but the length of the seizure had him stumped and I suspect thats the reason they rushed her to Children's Hospital in Knoxville.

Also, it's normal for children to pass out after a seizure (it takes a major toll on their bodies) but because Diana's was so long, her body was drained of everything. The medicine they gave her to stop the seizure combined with her body's lack of energy kept her unconcsious for a few hours. The Knoxville team was wonderful. They sent a team of 6 to pick her up and the long drive down was uneventful (thankfully). When she was admitted to Children's she was still unresponsive. They put her through a battery of tests and tried to eliminate any other possible causes for the seizure. I was thrilled when they told me they would not have to do a spinal tap to check for meningitis.

She finally came to about 4am after they catheterized her. (That'd wake anyone up! lol) As Ed walked back in the room she tried to sit up and said "Daddy!". It was the sweetest sound, and I think I knew at that moment she'd be alright.

Overall the experience was a nightmare. One half of me was completely hysterical (expecting the worst) and the other half was trying to be reasonable (hoping for the best). Overall, I was a complete basket case (As I am sure Mom will atest)

The Dr. warned us this might happen again, but he said we can handle it at home so long as the seizure doesn't last more than 7 mins. Anything longer that needs to go to the ER. I'm going to be like a crazy woman now, always watching her for the "next one".

I know it's nuts, but I took pictures in the hospital. It made me feel like I was "doing" something when there was simply nothing for me to do.

This was after she'd stopped seizing, but was unresponsive. We were waiting for the "baby bus" to pick her up:

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Her poor little feet after the ER Dr. reinserted her I.V.'s:
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Diana being loaded into the "Baby Bus" (you can see her head poking up out of the carseat)
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And this was shortly before being releases (She's got her color back and she was happy to have her baby with her)
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Monday, March 26, 2007

Diana enjoying the weather

It's finally warmed up here in NE Tennessee and Diana took full advantage of the opportunity to play outside:
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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dom and Di's New Room

I found these bunkbeds for Dom and Diana.
The tri-rail around the bottom bunk is PERFECT.
Diana has slept in the bottom bunk every night without a single incident.

Dom also L-O-V-E-S sleeping on the top bunk! I think the luxury of a better mattress
was all he needed to stay out of OUR bed!

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Thank You

Mom, thank you for the gorgeous card and the earrings! I've been needing new hoops! You always know what to get me!

Allie, Thank you for the card as well! You're stamping talents are amazing! Everything you sends looks like it should be on display somewhere!

Dad and Jordan, Thanks for the phone calls!
(Jordan, sorry I lost the connection, I was in a bad area!)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Diana "Rose"lyn Fiore

I took these earlier today at the store and thought they came out pretty darn cute.

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Di's favorite past time is picking out her "toe jam" Ugh... I hope she grows out of it soon! =)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Christina's Last School Formal for 2006-2007

Saturday marked the last underclass Formal for the year.

Christina picked out the cutest bubble gum pink dress for the occasion.

I didn't get the best pictures, we were in a hurry and I snapped a couple right before we flew out of the door.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Anthony's 17th Birthday


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Thursday, March 01, 2007


Today is Anthony's 17th Birthday!!!

(I'll post picture's later!)