Monday, December 18, 2006

Santa got Run over by a Reindeer...And other bedtime stories

Saturday Night Dominick woke up from his nap in a really bad mood. We were stuck in the car and he was screaming his head off. I figured if I could get him to talk about something fun, he'd perk up.

So... here is what I was trying to say:

"Hey Dom guess what?! Santa called and he can't wait to come and see you! He and the elves are working really hard to get all the toys ready"

And here's what came out:

"Dom, I just talked to Santa, and guess what? The sleigh is broken! The elves don't know if they can fix it in time. They asked if they can borrow your tools. What do you think?"

He went from crying to Hysterics!

SO I tried another approach, Here is what I was trying to say:

"Dom, I just saw the cutest little rabbit hop by"

And here is what came out:

"Awe, Dom I just saw a cute little baby rabbit! I don't think he can find his Mamma..."

Needless to say he was NOT soothed. In one smooth mooth, I had Dom convinced that Santa isn't coming to see him and a poor little rabbit is now and orphan! WHY DO I EVEN OPEN MY MOUTH????

The funniest part of the story was looking over at Ed and seeing his horrified expression as I tried to work my magic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This totally cracked me up. You definitely need to work on your story telling. LOL