Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I can't believe it's REAL butter!

Yeah, that's right! I made my own butter!

Ok, so I'd been reading on the internet just how 'easy' butter making at home can be.

Coming from someone who can burn water if they try hard enough, I know that "easy" is a very subjective term, and decided to try it out myself.

Ingredients needed: (For my test run)

8oz or 1cup of Heavy whipping cream
1/8 tsp. salt

And a glass jar with a tight fitting lid

STEP ONE: Pour whipping cream into glass jar


STEP TWO: Set a timer for 25 minutes and then: "Shake it like you wanna break it!" LOL Keep the jar moving for the next 25 minutes. I actually shook it for the first 15 and for the last 10, I let Dom and Diana roll it back and forth to each other on the floor.


STEP THREE: Drain any remaning cream (now buttermilk) out of the jar. (Or keep it to make buttermilk biscuits from scratch)

STEP FOUR: Put butter in a bowl and press down with a spoon to remove any excess buttermilk still hiding in there.

STEP FIVE: ENJOY! I used this right away on a piece of toast, and let me just say: It was sooo good!
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1 comment:

Sandra said...

I'm so impressed Leslie!! Organic cream and all!! Way to go!