Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spring July.

Every once in a while I get the overwhelming urge to purge the kids of all their belongings. It's like nesting on crack. I start by sorting through the toys deciding what to keep and what to send on to goodwill, but before you know it, I'm on a roll and the hatch of the Suburban is crammed to capacity with all of the things that are either not getting used enough or are taking up too much space.

Over the weekend I decided to tackle Dom and Diana storage closet. There are several of these room/closets in our home. I'm not sure what they were originally designed for, but they've acted as catch-all's since we moved in. Dom and Diana's was decidely the worst, it housed old baby gear, clothes, and boxes and boxes of toys.

At the end of the day I had the entire room emptied of al it's contents. (Goodwill is going to love mw!) As we looked at it, Ed and I realized the space would make an ideal little play room and got to work finishing it off. We installed the carpet and added the "walls".

I'm thinking we might do the same for the one in Brooke's room, it's about 3 times the size this one is and would make an awesome little tween den! LOL




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1 comment:

Allie Girl said...

Wow! I love that "nesting on crack" terminology! Can I use that sometime? What a cool project! Your kids are lucky to have such a cool mom!