Monday, September 21, 2009

The Doldrums of Familydom.

We've all been there. (Or here in our case.)

The kids go back to school, you settle back into a comfortable routine and nothing really spectular happens, you just go through the motions day in and day out. While this is actually pretty great (I love a good routine) it does not make for the most interesting blog. I've been plum out of new material.

Luckily, we have Diana's birthday fast approaching as well Halloween which will surely yield plenty of pictures and new interesting material!

But in the meantime, bear with me.

1 comment:

Allie Girl said...

I wish we had some sort of routine. We are in transition phase. Just today Jansen started Driver's Ed. This means I don't have to wake up for seminary with him at 7am (yay!) now it's 6am every morning at the high school (boo!). Oh well. Between basketball, cross country, young women, scouts, and soccer starting this week...we never know if we're coming or going!