Saturday, February 09, 2008


happy birthday!

Was it really ELEVEN years ago that I sat on Allison's couch completely freaked out and ranting "I'm alright .... I'm OK!" through every contraction? Certainly not! It can't be so! Ugh, but it is and today is testimant of that! Little Ms. Brooke has celebrated her eleventh birthday. At the risk of sounding so cliche, WHERE DID THE TIME GO??

This year for her birthday, Brooke and I went to Knoxville (ALONE!!!) for a girly day of shopping. She had birthday money in hand and spent the day picking out different birthday gifts. (Thank goodness, because she didn't pick out a single thing I would gotten her)

I would love to post pictures of her loot, but my camera finally gave in and died on me!


Allie Girl said...

Holy Cow! Happy Belated Birthday Brooke! Doesn't it seem like a lifetime ago Leslie? Where every phone call was answered "Forest Gate" and then the long Napolean phone cord that I'm pretty sure reached just about anywhere in the apartment! What a privilege to have been a part of your life and obviously, Brooke's at that time! I wish so bad that we lived closer! Will Diana and Kristen ever meet? Thank you for teaching me the mantra, "I'm Alright, I'm OK". I've used it more than you know! Haha!
love, allie

Jordan & Julie said...

I miss you, happy birthday Brooke!
from Ember

flmama said...

Wow, I can't believe Brooke is eleven!!! Where does all the time go?!? Tell all the kids hello from us!

Love, Kelly