Sunday, February 24, 2008


How do I love my new camera? Oh, let me counteth the ways! LOL

Ed was clear with his rotation lists, so we took the kids to Knoxville to do some shopping and to look for a new camera for Moi. (My Kodak P850 finally bit the dust a few weeks ago).
After much hemming and hawing I ended up with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTI 400D. 10.1 beautiful megapixels and a fancy shmancy lens.

I don't have a clue how to use any of it yet, but I had fun trying it out once we got home! LOL

After months of skimping on the picture posts, I have every intention of making it up and then some! Here's just a couple of shots I got today as soon as we got home.



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Anonymous said...

Diana looks suddenly so much older in these shots! Congrats on the new camera!

Matt said...

Two lessons that took me awhile to learn when I first got my first Rebel (film - not digital):

1 - It's about the glass, not the camera. Invest in lenses as they'll last a lifetime - the camera won't.

2 - A photo is just light being bounced back onto a canvas of sorts. Pay attention to the light and you'll much happier with your results...

Start shooting!!

