Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brooke's Bedding

As promised, I took Brooke to Knoxville yesterday to find brooke some new bedding. It was harder than we'd anticipated! Brooke was set on getting a dark purple set. We went to FIVE different stores (thankfully all in the same shopping center) And didn't find a SINGLE DARK purple set. Most of what we found had a "nursery" quality to it. Lilacs and Lavendars with tiny flowers and polka dots. NOT what she wanted at all. In a last ditch effort I suggested we hop in the car and drive to another Target about 10 mins down the road in hopes that they'd have a set she wanted. (In the right size). HALLEJULIA! They did have a set she LOVED! And they had all the accessories to boot AND it was on sale! SCORE!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is soooooo pretty