Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egging!

In theory, coloring hard boiled eggs sounds like a good thing!
"Oh, the kids will love it, it'll be so much fun, they'll always remember this!!"

In reality, it's 45 minutes of me screaming things like
"Do NOT get that stuff on your clothes", "use the egg dipper thingy, not your hands!", "STOP dipping it in so far, it's going to overflow!!!"

Needless to say, I was pretty happy when the "fun" came an end! LOL

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1 comment:

Allie Girl said...

Amen, sister...
Why do we torture ourselves with coloring easter eggs. This year I decided to downsize to just one easter egg coloring kit. The 1 dipper became an issue for 4 kids...oh yes, even Jansen got in on the "fun". LOL! Glad to know I'm not the only one who stresses about eggs!