Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ego Tripping

Excuse me whilst I deflate my ego a bit.

After recovering from the sticker shock associated with Senior Portraits (Yes, Christina graduates this upcoming year) I decided we'd save ourselves a few hundred bucks and try to do them myself. We had a great time during our little photo shoot a few weeks ago and got some great pictures.

Yesterday we stopped by Wal-mart to pick up the wallets she'd chosen to give to her friends. Imagine my suprise/elation when the clerk didn't want to give them to me, quoting "We aren't allowed to reproduce professional work without consent from the photographer"! It took me a while to convince them that I was the photographer. It helped that Christina was there to vouch for me! LOL

Anyway, this is the picture that made my head swell up like a balloon! =)

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Allie Girl said...

Ego-trip all you want!!!!


Christina you are so beautiful and Leslie...Shut Up! You are an amazing photographer! Way 2 Go!


Sandra said...

what a great shot!! such a beautiful lady!

flmama said...

That is a great pic of Christina! I can't believe she is a Senior, wasn't she just a little girl? Man, where does the time go?!?