Monday, October 27, 2008

The Galloping Greedy Gimmies!

Mowed down!
Trounced!! (oh yes, trounced is a very good word)
Put down!

I couldn't think of quite the right word when describing my genius in finally conquering Dom and Diana's HORRIBLE case of the "Galloping Greedy Gimmies" (As the Berenstein bears would call it anyway).

It never failed that anytime we'd walk into ANY retail location they had it in their pea brain's that they 'needed' something. Whether it was Walmart, Ingles, Home Depot or heck, even the FARMER'S CO-OP (We get gas there) they would whine, beg, cry and embarrass me to no end!

Well, I finally found a way to stop the Gimmies! Oh yes, I single handily "shut them up" so to speak. How did I do such an amazing thing? Muah ha ha! (That's my evil laugh)

I guess I should really give the thanks to Santa Claus.
Now,everytime Dom or Di picks something up and starts the "I want it" song and dance, I just smile and say:

"OK, but just remember for every toy you buy Santa takes one thing off your Christmas list!"

Who would have thought that 17 words could change my shopping life so dramatically?

For the first week or so they'd put their "Finds" back very grudgingly and then last week it wasn't so much of a challenge at all. Dom would ask "Will Santa take something off my list if I ask for a bag of chips?" Then today I almost hit the floor when after being SO good all afternoon I told Dom he could go with me to the Dollar store tomorrow to pick something out and he replied "But NOT a toy!" I could have melted on the spot!

Yes, the Fiore's have finally conquered the gimmies. Whew!

1 comment:

Allie Girl said...

Do you have a special hook in the house for your Super-Mom cape?

You rock!!!

Unfortunately, I don't think that would work with my kids. The jig is kind of up in that department because of our lame-o tooth fairy in our neck of the woods. It doesn't take too long to make the leap that leaves childhood innocence behind. LOL!