Friday, October 17, 2008

Excuse me whilst I wet my pants.

For those of you who know me well, you know I love to read after I've put the kids to bed. I curl up on the sofa with my latest book in hand and read till my hearts content. Usually this is never a problem, I simply go to bed when I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

That was until I started reading a series of books by a certain maniacal pair called Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. These books aren't scary, they are absolutely nail biting, heart pounding, "hearing things in the shadows," terrifying. It's been a long time since I've read anything that really gets to me, and these guy do it and then some. They are not gory or absurdly gruesome, but they are indeed the masters of suspense. They make you want to look under your bed before going to sleep, but you won't be able to do it. You'll be far too scared. Instead you'll stand at the doorway wondering if you can make the 10' distance from door to bed in one jump. Turning off the light will seem suicidal. Yes, I finally found authors who scare the crap out of me, but keep me coming back for me. I'm a glutton for it.

Last night (After finishing Cabinet of Curiosity's)I sat on the couch planning my exit strategy to get into bed. I was absurdly scared. So here's how it went: Leave the lamp on, cross the room turn and turn on the overhead light, come back and turn the lamp off, run to the bedroom and turn the bedroom light on, come back and turn the overhead light off, get into the bedroom turn the bedside lamp on, turn the bedroom light off. Climb into bed, making care not to let my feet get to close lest anything creeping below try and grab me. Pull the covers up high and then wake up Ed and say "Honey, you left the bedside lamp on, turn it off please". TA-DA!

RELIC: (Their first book together)
Makes Jurassic Park seem like a fun day at the zoo.



flmama said...

Oh man, that made me laugh so hard, I about wet my pants! Then, I had to read your entry to Marty and I laughed just as hard the second time. I have gone back and forth turning on lights before, so that is probably why I laughed so hard. I think I will have to hit some books on your list, I have been going through a reading dry spell and you have inspired me to pick up a good book. :)

Sandra said...

LOL!! I sooo used to do that when I started reading Koontz in middle school!! I can NOT watch the movies, but lovelovelove the books!!