Friday, February 05, 2010

Lego Nailed it.

Dominick got the "Lego City Garage" for Christmas.

As I sat with Dom putting it together I couldn't help but chuckle at the picture they chose for the instruction manual. Apparently, some unfortunate soul at Lego has had the great pleasure of being towed and judging from the photo I'd be willing to bet he didn't like the experience too much.

Allow me to interpret:

Person 3: The angry customer. (Note the scowl)This guy is busy. He doesn't have time to be broken down, he's in a hurry.
He knows nothing about towing, even less about his actual vehicle, but NOTHING the wrecker driver can or will do will be good enough.

Person 2: This is the "helper".
This is the guy the owner doesn't trust enough to put behind the wheel of an actual tow truck, so he pawns him off on one of his better employees.
Helper's job description is limited to dragging chains, grabbing tools, sweeping up debri , throwing down oil dry and most importantly: bugging the hell out of the real driver. He smiles a lot because he's not actually doing anything, but likes the idea that's he a tough wrecker driver like his pal. He's an absolute dolt.

Person 1: This is the Tow Truck Driver. He's not smiling either.
He works from 6am - 9pm and he's on call 24/7.
He's beat from head to toe, and is in desperate need of either sleep or caffiene.
His cell phone is an extension of his body, it never stops ringing and can't be turned off. He'd much rather be anywhere right now than in the middle of the road with "Angry Customer".

He hates Helper. A lot.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

You forgot that driver #3 cussing like a sailor under his breath all the time :)