Monday, March 01, 2010


Dominick and Diana both awoke in good spirits and were able to finish their morning lessons early, as a special treat I decided we'd watch "Earth" to fill in our science time.

I've seen portions of the content of the movie through specials like "Planet Earth" on the discovery channel, but having it edited so masterfully for the kids was great. They're starting to understand the cycle of life and the food chain and while some of the animals weren't spared their lives (Even though the kids yelled "RUN AWAY") it wasn't gruesome.

The end brought all of us to tears. Poor Daddy polar bear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought a VHS movie on a yard sell last year " Jingle All The Way". Poor James has seen this a hundred times! And so has Grandma. We have movie time every so often, I buy at yard sells and have in a book case, they are allowed to pick a movie. Yep, James will always pik this one. I really do not know if he has seen it all the way through yet.
Gotta love them.