Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dominick's 9th Birthday

After Brooke's whirlwind of a birthday, I was determined to set out enough
time for Dominick to celebrate his properly. (Alas, no shopping mania for him).

Friday morning Dominick and I worked on the cake he'd designed.
I don't want to brag exactly (YES I DO) but it was kind of awesome!!

He drew me the picture and we worked together to make this:

After dropping Anthony at work, I took Dominick to Kmart to buy
the Big Wheel he'd been wanting. Despite it saying they had 4 in stock,
the shelves were bare and all of the "searching the back" came up empty.

After a few moments of pouting, Dom and I went back to look
and found something even BETTER! (I love when that happens!)
It was a few dollars more, but it was worth the extra cost.

The Razor Rip Rider is bigger than the version he'd wanted and
we don't have to worry about him outgrowing it overnight!


As soon as we'd left the store, I dropped
Dominick off to Ed and had just
enough time to get Diana to her jazz class.

Then, on the way home, I picked up Dominick's
pick for his birthday dinner:
McDonald's chicken McBites.
(I sure do have some classy kids!)

We ate dinner, sang the song, opened gifts and eventually cut into the cake!




He was thrilled with the Legos, Nerf Gun, (from his older sister) and bumper cars
and we were thrilled that he was thrilled! :)
All in all, a great 9th birthday!



Rob and Jewls said...

Great job! He is a cute kid, Leslie! That Razor bike looks awesome!

Allie Girl said...

SWEEEEEEEEEET! Your cake decorating skills are amazing! I was impressed with Brooke's but then this one blew me away:) Way to go. Do they have a Mom of the Year award in Tennessee?