Saturday, September 15, 2012


If you know me, and I hope you do, you know that Bargain shopping is my most favorite after school activity. I love scouring racks and sniffing out bargain. I honestly can't remember the last time I chose to pay full retail for anything.

My usual haunts are mostly thrift stores, but I'm not above trudging the Mall or big box retail stores to hunt down killer steals too.

And killer steals are exactly what we found when we did some shopping yesterday!

Let's start with BookLand. (Our teensy tiny bookstore owned by Books-a-million) Aside from the fact that they were having their $1 book blowout, we found THIS amazing leather tablet cover on sale from $40.00 to a measly $5 buckeroo's! And with my Books-a-million discount card, I only paid FOUR bucks. And yes, although it's made for the Nook, it fits Brooke's Kindle Fire perfectly!


Moving along. Next up .. JC Penny. I hadn't planned on going clothes shopping yesterday, but when I saw the huge $2 rack on the way through the store (you have to cross through to get into the Mall) and I was tempted. I'm glad I stopped. Brooke and I scored in the way of new shirts for me and new PJ's for her! She bought two new nightgowns and a new top for $6 TOTAL. And I walked away with 6 new tops and a new bathrobe for $15! SCORE! (I'd show pictures, but everything is in the dryer)

And lastly (and my most favoritisly) Books. And not from the Bookstore. Books from where you'd least expect them. The DOLLAR TREE! I've seen books in our Dollar Tree before, but they're usually bizarre or obvious "didn't make it" books.  Yesterday was something new entirely. Everything was in hardcover and they were all books we wanted to read! In total, we bought 10.
10 books that we liked and that will not sit on the shelves for the next year.


Retail, these books would sell for around $202.00. Granted, I would never pay full price for a book anyway, but let's suppose I'd bought them on Ebay (which is plausible) I would still  have paid around $65.00 by the time you include shipping. But we only paid 10 bucks for 10 books. So, yes, we hit the Mother Load!

All-in-all, I only spent $35 (before tax) the entire day and I call that  a good day for the Bargain Huntress!

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