Monday, April 19, 2010

The Travel Bug...

In my 32 years I've had all manner of illnesses, but none have been so hard to kick as the travel bug.

Right now I am here...

But I want to be here...

And while I'm venting, I'd like to take this opportunity to officially blame this sickness on my Father. Yes Dad, this is YOUR fault. You know what you've done! Taking me to all of those castles and palaces, toting us around Europe and opening our eyes to it's awesome Majesty. He created the sight seeing monster that lives within me. It's his fault, I'm sure of it! ;)


DotteeO said...

I heard that tickets to Rome were pretty cheap right now!!

Allie Girl said...

When are you going? Can I come too? After the volcanic eruption stuff is over with of course;)